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Emotional Intelligence – Quick Test

This Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Test is simple and quick to take. It gives an idea of overall EQ (as %) compared to others and takes just a few moments.
Let’s go!

Congratulations on taking the quick EQ test.

1 / 28

I am sensitive to other’s feelings

2 / 28

I find change difficult

3 / 28

I hit it off with most people

4 / 28

I don’t feel emotions

5 / 28

I get offended easily

6 / 28

I get anxious about how things turn out

7 / 28

I get distracted easily

8 / 28

I don’t care about people

9 / 28

I doubt myself

10 / 28

I don’t understand why I behave as I do

11 / 28

My way is generally best

12 / 28

I don’t know what people need

13 / 28

I tend to be on edge

14 / 28

I mis-read situations

15 / 28

I don’t pay attention to how I feel

16 / 28

I feel uncomfortable in myself

17 / 28

I regularly feel stressed

18 / 28

I stay quiet sometimes when I shouldn’t

19 / 28

I pre-empt people’s needs well

20 / 28

I’m self reliant

21 / 28

I’m good with people

22 / 28

I say or do things I later regret

23 / 28

I’m good at dealing with people

24 / 28

People trust me

25 / 28

I’m good at making new friends

26 / 28

People would say i’m a good listener

27 / 28

I regularly share my deepest feelings with others

28 / 28

I can think clearly under pressure

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